External Rotor Blower
Why did Architectural Fan Coil specify the external rotor blower for its equipment?
Proper blower selection relies on a variety of design parameters, including airflow, system impedance, package size, electrical characteristics and acoustics. Additionally, the motor which powers the fan is critical to reliable operation.
So, what else is really important?
Long-life operation, maintenance-free performance, size, weight, relative cost, efficiency and power compatibility with the other components of the assembly. The external rotor motor provides the best performance and most reliable operation for our applications.
Since motor heat is produced in the rotor, making it the rotating element and keeping the stator stationary, has several very important effects on performance:
More effective cooling improves reliability and extends the life of the motor
Motor efficiency is better than with induction type motors
Even when operating at low speeds, which for the Architectural Fan Coil is a most important criterion, the external rotor blower can retain its benefits. Slower speeds mean many things in a fan coil.
Slower means quieter
Slower allows more contact time on the coil where the real work is taking place
Slower during cooling means more dehumidification
Slower during heating means more heat saturation in the air
All of our external rotor motors are speed controllable by voltage reduction and operate at very low voltages without overheating or reduced reliability. The outstanding advantage of our motors, when speed controlled, is their STABILITY which permits proper balance between air flow and noise.
The motors are mounted in the center of the impeller to save space, improve efficiency, and minimize VIBRATION that commonly occurs when the impeller is mechanically attached to the motor shaft with the typical set screw and hub.
Our motors are also totally enclosed so they run and stay CLEAN for long life operation.
We stand behind this technology with a three (3) year replacement warranty.
Check out our Ultra Quiet Speed Manager and see why this combination really makes sense for your comfort, low cost and efficiency.